Data processing with shell script
shell所提供的一些文字處理相關commands便成為這樣情境下,算得上最稱手的一把錘子了。(為求方便,我在資料處理的過程中經常會使用.tsv檔案來處理,最後再搭配工具將.tsv轉換成一般使用者熟悉的excel file)
首先使用SQL語法撈出資料,導出結果,再開始對欄位進行處理 ,
echo "SELECT * FROM users ..." | mysql --host=[host] --user=[usr] --password=[password] --default-character-set=utf8 [DB_NAME]
cat [sql file] | mysql --host=[host] --user=[usr] --password=[password] --default-character-set=utf8 [DB_NAME] | tee sql_result.tsv | head -n 10
搭配 PostgresSQL:
echo '[YOUR_SQL]'| PGPASSWORD=[YOUR_PASSWORD] psql -U [user] -h [host]-p [port]| head -n 10
- > 與 >>
// 將畫面上顯示的結果導入tmp.txt
$ ls -l ... > tmp.txt// 將畫面上顯示的結果append在tmp.txt後
$ ls -l ... >> tmp.txt
- cat : 貓?!
$ cat [file]
$ cat -n [file] // 顯示行號
$ cat -s [file] // 輸出抑制多行空白// 使用 >> , > 搭配寫入, 以ctrl+d 跳離
$ cat > [file] // 覆蓋重寫or新開檔案
$ cat >> [file] // append
- | (pipe): 把資料當水流,pipe就是管線的概念。
$ cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 | ... | cmd...// ex.將很長的結果使用less分頁顯示
$ ls -al / | less
- find : 找指定目錄包含子目錄的檔案(隱藏資料夾也會找)。(https://www.computerhope.com/unix/ufind.htm)
$ find [搜尋的路徑目標] [執行的比對條件] [對結果進行的行為] [選項]$ find ~ // 找家目錄下所有的檔案及資料夾[執行的比對條件] :// 使用 -type 搜尋指定類型,f:檔案, l: synbol links, d: directory
// 找家目錄下所有的檔案
$ find ~ -type f// 加上name的過濾規則, 其他可用規則參考連結
$ find ~ -type f -name '*.png' // 用or
$ find ~ \( -type f -not -perm 0600 \) -or \( -type d -not -perm 0700 \)[對結果進行的行為] :// 對執行結果進行操作: -print, -delete, -quit, -ls
$ find ~ -type f -name '*.png' -ls// 也可以使用-exec, -ok... 來執行指令 => 用xargs比較好
$ find ~/Desktop -type f -name '*.png' -print | xargs ls -l[選項]: -depth, -maxdepth levels, -mindepth levels, -noleaf
- head, tail : 輸出檔案首10行(head) or 末10行(tail), 皆搭配 -n 可以輸出任意行數
$ ls -al /bin/usr | head // 顯示首10行
$ ls -al /bin/usr | head -n 5 // 顯示首5行
$ ls -al /bin/usr | tail // 顯示末10行
$ ls -al /bin/usr | tail -n 5 // 顯示末5行
- wc (word count) : 顯示檔案內的行列, 字元數
$wc ~/Desktop/event.js
300 757 8813 /Users/wangwilliam/Desktop/event.js
(行數) (字數) (位元數) (檔案位置) $ wc -l [file] // 只顯示行數 // 顯示某資料夾下的檔案數量
$ ls -1 [path] | wc -l
- tee (T): 把pipe in 的東西可以寫出的同時也往下繼續pipe out,像是T型水管。
// 讀取來自 ls 的stdin, 並輸出至 stdout 及 tmp.txt 檔案
$ ls -al /usr/bin | tee ~/Desktop/tmp.txt | less
- grep (global regular expression print) : 對文字進行搜索後輸出。
$ grep [options]options:
// -i : 忽略大小寫
// -v : 找出不匹配的
// -c : 匹配成功數目
// -n : 加上行號
// ...
// -E : 使用regex表達的pattern
$ ls -al | grep -E '^[a-zA-Zl]{3}'
$ ls -al ~ | sort -nr -k 5 // 第5行為檔案大小$ sort -k 3.7 // col:3, char: 7// -n 按數值大小排序.
// -r 倒轉排序, 即從大至小排序.
// -t 指定欄位分隔的字符, 預設是 Tab.
// -k 要排序的欄位.
- uniq : 因為uniq只能消除鄰近的行列,所以大部分都會先sort過再進行uniq
$ cat test.tsv
William Wang
William Wang$ cat test.tsv | sort
William Wang
William Wang$ cat test.tsv | sort | uniq
William Wang
- cut :
(iris.data.tsv : https://github.com/WJWang/Logistic/blob/master/iris.data.tsv)
$ cat iris.data.tsv| head
SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth TrainingClass
5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa
4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa
5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 Iris-setosa
4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3 Iris-setosa
5.0 3.4 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa
4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa$ cut -f 1,3 iris.data.tsv | head // 只取1,3欄
SepalLength PetalLength
5.1 1.4
4.9 1.4
4.7 1.3
4.6 1.5
5.0 1.4
5.4 1.7
4.6 1.4
5.0 1.5
4.4 1.4$ cut -d ':' [filepath]-f 1,3 // 改使用:作為切分點,找1,3欄
// ex. 用:切出/etc/passwd的首欄
$ cut -d ':' -f 1 /etc/passwd // 用file
$ cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ':' -f 1 // 用cat再pipe in$ ls -l | cut -c 1-10
total 3824
- paste
// 將iris.data.tsv 的1,5欄對調
$ cut -f 1 iris.data.tsv > iris.data.first.tsv
$ cut -f 5 iris.data.tsv > iris.data.fifth.tsv
$ cut -f 2,3,4 iris.data.tsv > iris.data.else.tsv$ paste iris.data.fifth.tsv iris.data.else.tsv iris.data.first.tsv
TrainingClass SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth SepalLength
Iris-setosa 3.5 1.4 0.2 5.1
Iris-setosa 3.0 1.4 0.2 4.9
Iris-setosa 3.2 1.3 0.2 4.7
Iris-setosa 3.1 1.5 0.2 4.6
Iris-setosa 3.6 1.4 0.2 5.0
Iris-setosa 3.9 1.7 0.4 5.4
Iris-setosa 3.4 1.4 0.3 4.6
Iris-setosa 3.4 1.5 0.2 5.0
Iris-setosa 2.9 1.4 0.2 4.4
Iris-setosa 3.1 1.5 0.1 4.9
Iris-setosa 3.7 1.5 0.2 5.4
Iris-setosa 3.4 1.6 0.2 4.8
Iris-setosa 3.0 1.4 0.1 4.8
- comm: 比較A, B兩個文檔,以三行方式輸出,有-1, -2, -3三個選項
$ cat A.txt
5$ cat B.txt
7$ comm A.txt B.txt
(只有A有的) (只有B有的) (都有的)// comm -1 A.txt B.txt (只顯示2,3行)
// comm -2 A.txt B.txt (只顯示1,3行)
// comm -3 A.txt B.txt (只顯示1,2行)
- diff, patch :檔案間的diff, 產生patch.
// diff
- Compare files:
diff file1 file2- Compare files, ignoring white spaces:
diff -w file1 file2- Compare files, showing differences side by side:
diff -y file1 file2- Compare directories recursively:
diff -r directory1 directory2- Compare directories, only showing the names of files that differ:
diff -rq directory1 directory2// patch - Apply a patch:
patch < patch_file.diff- Apply a patch to current directory:
patch -p1 < patch_file.diff- Apply the reverse of a patch:
patch -R < patch_file.diff
- split : 可以把大的檔案切分。
- Split a file, each split having 10 lines (except the last split):
split -l 10 filename- Split a file into 5 files. File is split such that each split has same size (except the last split):
split -n 5 filename- Split a file with at most 512 bytes of lines in each split:
split -C 512 filename
- tr: Translate characters
- Replace all occurrences of a character in a file, and print the result:
tr find_characters replace_characters < filename- Map each character of the first set to the corresponding character of the second set:
tr 'abcd' 'jkmn' < filename- Delete all occurrences of the specified set of characters from the input:
tr -d 'input_characters'- Compress a series of identical characters to a single character:
tr -s 'input_characters'- Translate the contents of the file to upper-case and print result:
tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" < filename- Strip out non-printable characters from the file and print result:
tr -cd "[:print:]" < filename
- sed: 用正則進行替換
- Replace the first occurrence of a string in a file, and print the result:
$ sed 's/find/replace/' filename- Replace all occurrences of an extended regular expression in a file:
$ sed -E 's/regex/replace/g' filename- Replace all occurrences of a string in a file, overwriting the file (i.e. in-place):
$ sed -i '' 's/find/replace/g' filename- Replace only on lines matching the line pattern:
$ sed '/line_pattern/s/find/replace/' filename- Apply multiple find-replace expressions to a file:
$ sed -e 's/find/replace/' -e 's/find/replace/' filename- Replace separator / by any other character not used in the find or replace patterns, e.g., #:
$ sed 's#find#replace#' filename
- aspell
- awk
- Print the fifth column (a.k.a. field) in a space-separated file:
$ awk '{print $5}' filename- Print the second column of the lines containing "something" in a space-separated file:
$ awk '/something/ {print $2}' filename- Print the last column of each line in a file, using a comma (instead of space) as a field separator:
$ awk -F ',' '{print $NF}' filename- Sum the values in the first column of a file and print the total:
$ awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' filename- Sum the values in the first column and pretty-print the values and then the total:$ awk '{s+=$1; print $1} END {print "--------"; print s}' filename
- xargs
- Main usage pattern:
$ arguments_source | xargs command- Delete all files with a .backup extension:
$ find . -name '*.backup' | xargs rm -v- Convert newlines in the input into NUL (\0) characters, and split on those only (useful if the input to xargs contains spaces):
$ arguments_source | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 command- Execute the command once for each input line, replacing any occurrences of the placeholder (here marked as _) with the input line:
$ arguments_source | xargs -I _ command _ optional_extra_arguments$ arguments_source | xargs -P 10 ..... // -P 表示 maxprocs- Example:
$ mkdir ~/tmp_work$ split -l 6000 ~/big_tsv_file.tsv ~/tmp_work/// ls ~/tmp_work// => aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak$ ls ~/tmp_work | xargs -P 11 -I %X bash -c "cat %X | php ~/processor.php" > tmp.txt
- rsync:
// Transfer file from local to remote host:
$ rsync path/to/file remote_host_name:remote_host_location// Transfer file from remote host to local:
$ rsync remote_host_name:remote_file_location local_file_location// Transfer file in archive (to preserve attributes) and compressed (zipped) mode:
$ rsync -az path/to/file remote_host_name:remote_host_location// Transfer a directory and all its children from a remote to local:
$ rsync -r remote_host_name:remote_folder_location local_folder_location// Transfer only updated files from remote host:
$ rsync -ru remote_host_name:remote_folder_location local_folder_location// Transfer file over SSH and show progress:
$ rsync -e ssh — progress remote_host_name:remote_file local_file
- ssh: 連線用,連遠端server.
// -p 不帶 default 22 port
$ ssh [user]@[server] -p [ssh port]// 使用金鑰登入
$ ssh [user]@[server] -i [key_file]// 直接在遠端執行指令
$ ssh [user]@[server] [要執行的cmd]
$ ssh william@remote-server 'ls -al /'// 執行遠端的sql將結果顯示在本機上
$ ssh william@remote-server 'echo "SELECT * FROM users;" | mysql mysql --host=[host] --user=[usr] --password=[password] --default-character-set=utf8 [DB_NAME]'
- scp (secure copy): 把檔案or資料夾,在遠端及本機間丟來丟去。
// 把檔案從本機丟去遠端
$ scp -i [key_file] [local file path] [remote_user]@[remote_server]:[remote_target_path]// 把檔案從遠端拿回本機
$ scp -i [key_file] [remote_user]@[remote_server]:[remote_target_path] [local file path]// -r 表示recursive(包含資料夾), -P 表示ssh port
$ scp -r -P 22000 [local file path] [remote_user]@[remote_server]:[remote_target_path]
// Copy a local file to a remote host:
$ scp path/to/local_file remote_host:path/to/remote_file// Copy a file from a remote host to a local folder:
$ scp remote_host:path/to/remote_file path/to/local_dir// Recursively copy the contents of a directory from a remote host to a local directory:
$ scp -r remote_host:path/to/remote_dir path/to/local_dir// Copy a file between two remote hosts transferring through the local host:
$ scp -3 host1:path/to/remote_file host2:path/to/remote_dir// Use a specific username when connecting to the remote host:
$ scp path/to/local_file remote_username@remote_host:path/to/remote_dir// Use a specific ssh private key for authentication with the remote host:
$ scp -i ~/.ssh/private_key local_file remote_host:/path/remote_file
- stat : 取得檔案狀態與詳細資訊
// example on MacOS
$ stat -x fetch.php
File: "fetch.php"
Size: 4846 FileType: Regular File
Mode: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 501/wangwilliam) Gid: ( 20/ staff)
Device: 1,4 Inode: 8595590042 Links: 1
Access: Sun Sep 9 11:43:30 2018
Modify: Tue Jan 16 11:21:23 2018
Change: Tue Jan 16 11:21:23 2018
- history 搭配 ![history中所顯示的行數] 會是一個很方便的方法
- ctrl + r [keyword] , 找下一個: ctrl+r, 上一個: ctrl+shift+r
當然也可以寫出一個串再一起寫成一份script file 更快速達到資料處理的目的,這部分就等有時間再來整理了。